150 miles down, 3850 to go!
So we began on Saturday by dipping our bikes in the Atlantic, or at least the tip of our wheels (no need to rust the whole bike before we begin biking). We did that at Prescott Park in New Hampshire, where we could look over the bridge into Kittery, Maine. Rory and Tommy came to visit and see me off, which was great. They quickly got introduced into our little bubble of spandex. Our first ride was 50 miles, and a hilly 50 miles (although I'm sure I'll disagree in 2 months).
We are now in Lebanon, New hamshire, and tomorrow is our first build day. My legs are sore, my butt aches and I'm sunburnt, but it is incredible. I'm tired early and always have a little bit of chain grease somewhere on my body. My freckles are multiplying, my hair is getting longer and I have white feet (but incredibly tan legs) as part of my sexy biker's tan.
I am amazed everyday by the hospitality we are welcomed with. We've stayed in churches every night so far, and they've fed us wonderfully. I felt like it was thanksgiving last night-there were tables full of food for dinner, all cooked by people of the community. Yesterday we got the leftover pies and cookies from a bake sale. Mmmm.
The morning is my favorite. The sun is just rising, and the moutains are faint in the distance. Uphill is hard, but downhill is amazing. I hit 38 miles per hour this morning, downhill of course. I kind of feel isolated from the country, although I am traveling through it. I haven't had much access to newspapers or television, which is sort of comforting (although we managed to see cool runnings last night).
Pictures will come soon, hopefully. Thank you guys for all the emails-I'll try to write you all back soon, but internet access is pretty scarce. I figure this is a good way to reach a lot of you.
Oh yea, and dad, happy father's day.
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